Releasing 11/10/2015
Update 10/30: Release date is now confirmed to be 11/10/15. New code below.
If you’re filthy hype thanks to the three-minute announcement trailer and you’re the type to pre-order a game based solely on a trailer even without a release date, we’ve got a deal for you!
Riding the announcement trailer hype, Green Man Gaming has Fallout 4 now available for pre-purchase on its site. (There’s a giant-ass backscreen on the front page.) Use the current available 23% off code for the next 48 hours and you’ll net yourself a Steam key for whenever the damn game gets released.
- Fallout 4 (Steam Key) for $48 (list price $60)
Interestingly enough, as of writing, most retailers haven’t gotten around to posting the title on their storefronts quite yet. (For example, Best Buy’s listings are missing images. Update: They’ve added images in about 5 hours after.)
We’ll update the post if other digital retailers get on the bandwagon and release their own respective deals for their regions (we’re pretty sure it’ll happen).
Edit: As always, game deals from Dealzon. FYI: sales help support Destructoid.