Mark Cerny answers your PS4 and Knack questions

And he’s got a great shirt, too

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PlayStation 4 lead architect Mark Cerny has all but surpassed painter Bob Ross as the person I’d most want to go on a cross-country road trip with. He could just talk for the duration and I’d be stuck in a relaxed state of mind, hanging onto every soothing word. Cerny is a busy man, unfortunately, so this five-minute Q&A video will have to make do.

Not a whole lot of new information here, but Cerny touched briefly on the future of gaming and his belief that one of the next big trends will be seamless connections between single-player and multiplayer. No more tacked-on modes sounds like a step forward to me.

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Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.
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