Get a load of this capital ship combat in Elite Dangerous

Prepare to shout ‘get the bogeys off my tail’

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Typical, you wait for a great space sim to arrive, then two get successfully crowdfunded. Elite: Dangerous (which is still a funny title) didn’t manage to pull in the $20 million that Chris Robert’s Star Citizen crowdfunding campaign did but if this trailer is anything to go by, the game is looking pretty good.

This trailer is showing off combat between capital ships whilst fighters swarm over each vessel. It doesn’t appear this footage is in-game, however the description on the YouTube page says that making the video has informed things like GUI, ship materials, and special effects.

Let’s hope the game plays just like this trailer as I’ve been wanting to fly through a big capital ship again, just like you could in X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter.

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Alasdair Duncan
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