Adventure Time skips PS Vita, Namco trolls system fans

‘Who has a PS Vita?’

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The new Adventure Time game is coming to Xbox 360, PS3, 3DS, and Wii U, noticeably omitting the long-suffering PlayStation Vita from its lineup. As you might expect, Vita owners are a bit upset at the snub, and have taken to the game’s YouTube trailer to express dejected comments.

Responding to one particular comment calling the company out, Namco Bandai EU decided to actively respond, liberally dousing PS Vita owners in flammable sarcasm. Yep, that’s a thing that happened on the Internet today.

“Yeah, bad Namco,” said the company account. “Who has a PS Vita by the way? Oh wait I DON’T KNOW!” 

The response, of course, was a play on the game’s full title — Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW! A number of commenters did not, however, appreciate the attempt at wordplay.

“I have a vita. Thank you for being an asshole,” replied YoMamma Nator. “I would buy it on Vita if it came out for it. But yeah I guess I’ll pass on this game.”

“Namco Bandai is successfully discouraging customers,” argued Lukasz Salinski. “Thanks great (wrote by lower case intentionally) Namco, i HATE you till now. How such a great company can treat fans like that? I can’t believe that. Disapointing…”

Of course, some took Namco Guy’s side, such as kaiserzero21: “LMFAO at all the SNIGGER butthurt. It’s not like what he said was wrong. What kind of a moron would buy a Vita anyway? A system with no games and no future.”

And of course, a number of folks are concerned the game is coming to Wii U if install base was the issue. 

“So it’s not coming out on vita because ‘nobody’ owns one………….but it’s coming out on Wii U which has an even smaller install base.”

Just another day on the Internet!

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James Stephanie Sterling
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