According to Xbox-Scene News, it would seem that Microsoft is taking steps to lessen the chance that your recently repaired Xbox 360 will be making a return visit to the doctor. Thanks to some hulking heatsinks that are being added to help alleviate heat stress on the Xenos GPUs, our Xbox 360s should be more healthy in the future.
While it is unclear if the new Xbox units are coming out of the factory with the dual-heatsinks under the hood, it is obvious that at least some repaired consoles have been modified.
Even to this day there are still rumblings around Internet forums that the Xbox 360’s failure rate is a bit abnormal. With the whole notion of excess heat being the driving force responsible for those gaming woes, this is welcomed news, to say the least. Is this a silent admission by Microsoft that their engineers were sleeping on the job when the Xbox 360 was originally designed, or simply a natural progression of improvements that every console goes through over time? We’ll let you be the judge of that. I can tell you that my own Xbox 360 is pretty much flawless.
[Thanks, Joe Burling]