BioShock Infinite DLC appears to have a new AI companion

A 2K employee’s LinkedIn page outs the info

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Not much has been said about post-release content for BioShock Infinite to this point, but some juicy morsels of information may have dribbled out today. If a 2K employee’s LinkedIn page is to be believed, the first DLC pack will feature a new AI companion character.

Twitter user @supererogatory first discovered the update to Michael Shahan’s LinkedIn profile. Shahan is a Senior Animator at 2K Games. Under the heading “BioShock Infinite DLC1,” he mentions “Providing animation and R&D for a new AI companion character.”

We’re just a bit more than a month beyond BioShock Infinite‘s release, and it’s about that time when DLC plans start to materialize. The game seemed to leave a ton of avenues to explore through the add-ons, so 2K and Irrational Games could really be going any number of directions with this. Whomever it ends up being, let’s hope that they’re as charming as Elizabeth in conversation, and as unobtrusive as she is in the heat of battle.

Rumor: New AI character for Bioshock Infinite’s first DLC [StickSkills via Twitter and LinkedIn]

About The Author
Brett Makedonski
While you laughing, we're passing, passing away. So y'all go rest y'all souls, 'Cause I know I'ma meet you up at the crossroads. Y'all know y'all forever got love from them Bone Thugs baby...
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