The anti-Watchdogs
I don’t know about you guys but when I saw the post last week about how the “exclusive content” for Watch_Dogs was spread out, it really drove the point home as to how silly the pre-order bonuses situation has become. Do all these extra trinkets (or in the case of the PS4, “an hour’s worth of extra gameplay”) make a difference to people’s purchasing habits? Thank heavens for CD Projekt RED who has no plans to make exclusive content for each platform.
Speaking to Eurogamer, co-founder of CD Projekt RED Marcin Iwinski said that “It’s definitely against our values.” Considering the studio has been running, a staunchly anti-DRM online store, it’s not surprising that he feels carving up features to sell piecemeal to consumers isn’t a good idea. “We’ll not deliver exclusive content to any of the platforms, nor will we artificially delay release of the game on any of the platforms because somebody’s paying us money for that.”
Iwinski did say that he hoped The Witcher 3 would make an appearance at E3 and it wouldn’t surprise me if we say more of the game at Microsoft’s press conference. Right now, there’s precious few games that are coming out on the Xbox One, so I’d have to imagine MS would want to show off The Witcher 3 to convince people to splash out on its new console.
Witcher 3 dev vows: “no exclusive content for any platform” [Eurogamer]