Sony sorry for lack of Last Guardian news

Will talk about it when it’s ready

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Sony Worldwide Studios boss has apologized to those expecting to hear The Last Guardian news during this week’s PlayStation Event. The executive explains his company’s waiting for the “right time” to bring Last Guardian back to the spotlight. Now, however, is not that time. 

“I apologize to people who are waiting for the game,” he told The Kotaku“Ueda-san posted that he’s still working on it, that he’s creative-directing it and that the team in the Japan studios are working hard.

“We are waiting for the right time to re-introduce The Last Guardian.”

Yoshida’s referencing a post in which Ueda confirmed continued development of the game. When asked if Team ICO’s next title is going to end up a PS4 game, the boss had no comment. Nobody has yet asked if Last Guardian is being outsourced to TimeGate

Sony Is “Waiting For The Right Time” To Show The Last Guardian [Kotaku]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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