Ubisoft: gaming is no longer for geeks

Consider yourself relieved of duty, Private Nerdlinger!

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Before this generation, there was only one type of person who played videogames — geeks. Ubisoft had to cater to these subhuman specimens of societal failure, and Ubisoft loathed every mournful second of every miserable day. At least, that’s what I like to imagine when I hear how happy Ubisoft is that gaming’s not just for us lot these days. 

“We are at a new start in the industry, a moment where gaming is no longer just for geeks,” explained managing director Xavier Poix. “We have consoles like the Wii to thank for that, and the rise in mobile gaming. It’s all leading towards interconnectivity. What will you do on your phone in the future will impact what you do on your console back home, and so on.

“There will be different applications for different devices. You’ve got a new toy to play with, and for the first time you need to think differently. It’s hard to achieve but it’s the best moment.”

Geeks, lay down your arms, turn in your badges, and return to your loved ones (by loved ones we obviously mean your alphabetized sock drawer). You did your thing, you pitched in your effort, and thanks to all your hard work, Ubisoft can stand on its own two legs now. It doesn’t need you anymore, so rest. Rest that weary, freshly noogied head. You f*cking geeks.

Wii U message hard to convey says Ubisoft studio head [GameSpot via GoNintendo]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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