Leland Yee: Gamers have no credibility in violence debate

Says we should all just be quiet while men like him do the talking

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Leland Yee, a man famous for lying about videogames and draining huge amounts of tax money in his war on the industry, has suggested those affected by his bullshit should keep their mouths shut. According to the hypocritical liar, we care for nothing outside our lust for violence, and should leave the debate in his capable hands. 

“Gamers have got to just quiet down,” said the man whose vendetta once cost taxpayers $1 million. “Gamers have no credibility in this argument. This is all about their lust for violence and the industry’s lust for money. This is a billion-dollar industry. This is about their self-interest.”

While gamers — myself included — regularly respond to uninformed news pundits or insane ex-lawyers with axes to grind, Leland Yee has always remained the most vile player in the long-running violence debate. His ignorance does more than just make gamers angry, it actively wastes American money and the time of politicians as he tries to make his unconstitutional preferences become law.

Not as famous as some other shit-flinging malcontents, Yee is easily one of the most insidious. As disgusted as I am that a man possessed of so rotten a character would dare suggest others lack credibility, it could only be taken as a compliment when spilled from such a corrupted set of lips. 

Video games drawn into violence debate [SF Chronicle, via GamePolitics]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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