Musicians Wanted: The present

Part 2 of this month’s Community Assignment

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[This month’s Dtoid Community Assignment will span three topics: the past, the present, and the future of gaming. Sound off on one, two, or all three!]

This month’s Cblog theme is all about taking look at the different eras of gaming and creating something personal to convey your thoughts about each. Well, the Dtoid community has some amazingly talented musicians among its ranks, so isn’t it about time they started getting a bit more of the spotlight?!

For this month’s Musicians Wanted, I want all you music types to create something inspired by the state of gaming today. It can be an original piece inspired by your favorite current-gen games, a remix, compilation, or mash-up of some of your favorite pieces, or anything else you can think up!

To participate, start a community blog and title it “The Present: [Your title here]”. No topic is off the table, so don’t feel like you’re restricted to the ideas presented above! Throughout the month of February, Dtoid’s new Cblog Manager and I will be keeping an eye on the Community Blogs and promoting your musical creations to the front page, so make your entries count!

Have fun! I can’t wait to see what you folks come up with.

About The Author
M Randy
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