CNET has a story about a rally being held May 5th at 1PM in New York City’s Bryant Park in reaction to the horrific tragedy that took place at Virginia Tech only a few days ago. Empire Arcadia, a gaming-focused community group, has created the rally (under the name Fellowship of the Gamers), to combat the violent, psychotic stereotypes applied to gamers by people such as Jack Thompson, Hillary Clinton and Joseph Liebermann. To quote the organizers;
We will protest, mourn and show how real gamers play video games peacefully and responsibly. This demonstration is to show that gamers will not take the blame of this tragic matter but we will do what we can to help put an end to terrible events like this.
Destructoid would like to extend our heartfelt support to the rally, and to all of the people who strive to disprove the stereotype by not going absolutely wacko and offing a bunch of innocent people, just because some girl you’ve been stalking won’t let you “roll her Katamari”. We hope that if any of you can make it, you do so to show your support for what is (unfortunately) becoming one of the more important political hot-buttons of our era, and if you do attend, let us know how it went.
By the way, double points if you can start a “Free Mumia” chant.