Humble THQ Bundle nets over $3.3 million (and counting)

Huge shock as people buy things that are cheap!

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Despite proving controversial, THQ’s “Humble Bundle” has raked in $3.3 million since it launched last Thursday, as over 580,000 customers take the chance to snap up games for as little as $1.00. According to, share prices have risen to $1.60 from $1.07 — up by 37.96%.

The “pay what you want” bundle includes Metro 2033, Darksiders, Red Faction: Armageddon and Company of Heroes, and the average buyer is opting to spend $5.64. Paying above the average entitles you to a free copy of Saints Row: The Third

Although proving successful, the deal has nonetheless touched a nerve with some folk, who expect all humble bundles to be indie, cross-platform, and DRM free. THQ’s games don’t fit those expectations, being AAA titles that require both Steam and Windows. Still, it’s not calling itself the Humble Indie Bundle, and it’s not promising anything it isn’t delivering, so I don’t quite see the problem.

Given THQ’s troubles, whatever the deal lacks in Indie, it certainly makes up for in Humble. 

Humble THQ Bundle [Humble Bundle]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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