Experience the hardest Mario ever (no fluffing required!)

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If you are ever in a situation where your little sister complains about a Mario game being too hard, please just slap her and show her this video.

Created by a random somebody in Taiwan (my vote is for escaped mental patient), this Mario mod is like a sick work of art. Granted, I would most likely give up after about one minute, but the sadomasochist inside of me wants to play it to death until I complete it. I mean, seriously, beating this would give you the ultimate video game bragging rights. I don’t even think Lucas would stand a chance.

Some of my favorite parts:

  • -The pipe that leads to sudden death. That just isn’t cool.
  • -The hidden coin blocks that just so happen to be in the “perfect” spots.

Whoever designed this deserves a special place in hell. But, at the same time, I raise my glass to you, you magnificent bastard.

[Via G4 — thanks, Caleb!]

About The Author
Chad Concelmo
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