Aliens: Colonial Marines will be ‘better’ on Wii U

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If you’re looking forward to Aliens: Colonial Marines but you’re not sure which version to go for, Gearbox producer Brian Burleson might have the answer. Apparently, the Wii U shall be king of the multiplatform hill thanks to its power. 

“The Wii U is a powerful, powerful machine and it can do a lot of cool new things. And so the game itself, moving it over to work on the Wii U was not much of a chore,” he told Eurogamer“Now the interesting thing is finding out all the cool ways you can use the controller to do new stuff with it. You can imagine all the cool things we can do, with this franchise and having a thing with you, right?”

While he wouldn’t go into specifics about Nintendo’s hardware, Burleson did let slip that Colonial Marines will “be better” than the Xbox 360 or PS3 alternatives, thanks to what he calls “more modern tech.”

The prowess of the Wii U has been hotly debated, with some sources praising its magnificence, and others sneering at its inferiority. With E3 around the corner, we should hopefully see a lot more of the system in action and end the discussion. Wait, did I say it would end the discussion? I mean, it’ll make the arguing worse.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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