Zynga error lets stranger do hilarious customer support

In all fairness, he tried to warn them

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Zynga’s been a hot topic in the news lately, but this gaffe is quite a bit more lighthearted than the Mattrick saga. It’s also pretty embarrassing.

As reported by Kotaku, Zynga accidentally put a random person in charge of customer support on its Coasterville game. When needed, Zynga told players to email an @themepark.com address for help. However, Zynga didn’t own this domain — Eric Mueller did.

Mueller tried to inform Zynga of its mistake, but was met with no response. So, he did what I like to think anyone would have done in the same situation — he answered the emails with outlandish responses.

Among Mueller’s “solutions” were lying a hockey jersey across the keyboard, clicking really slowly, and spamming Facebook friends with the phrase “I love brown bears, folding chairs, and little curly hairs.” We don’t know how many people legitimately tried this advice, but I like to think it was, again, all of them.

Of course, Zynga killed the fun as soon as it caught wind of the situation, which to be fair, would have been immediately if its employees were paying any attention at all.

Zynga Mistake Puts Random Stranger In Customer Support Role [Kotaku]

About The Author
Brett Makedonski
While you laughing, we're passing, passing away. So y'all go rest y'all souls, 'Cause I know I'ma meet you up at the crossroads. Y'all know y'all forever got love from them Bone Thugs baby...
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