E3 is only one month away!

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E3 is the biggest videogame industry event of the year, and with good reason: It is out of control. In a good way, of course. Huge game announcements, non-stop news, a whirlwind of assets — it’s one of the best, most exciting weeks of the year, and something any gamer can look forward to.

So, with only one more month until the big show (it officially starts on June 5th), what are your thoughts? Are you excited? Indifferent? Annoyed? Turned on? Is there something specific you are looking forward to?

We want to hear from you! Now is the time to start getting excited for E3! No, wait, not yet. Not yet. Not yeeeeet. Okay … now you can start to get excited.

Make sure to stick with Destructoid all month long. We have some awesome E3 surprises in store …

About The Author
Chad Concelmo
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