Destructoid year end awards: Your time to vote!

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Ah, the weekend is here and with it comes the final clue in the PlayStation 3 / Wii giveaway contest. Over the course of two months, Destructoid asked gamers to choose between a brand new 60GB system or 2 Nintendo Wiis … and one lucky winner will be receiving their choice of poison very shortly.  The winner will be announced sometime on Monday, so all votes must be in by tomorrow 12pm EST. Today’s contest clue is “You’re in the dark!”  Good luck!

Want a bonus clue? Let’s trade — It just so happens that we need a clue from you too. Not only will we be offering our expertise in picking what games did what this year, but we’re also going to let you, the loyal reader and fan vote for your favorites as well. After one week of voting, we’ll put up your votes and our picks for who made it a year to really remember at the end of the year.

CAST YOUR VOTES NOW!!!  Voting ends December 29th


About The Author
Robert Summa
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