X gon’ give it to ya
Do you know why the above trailer is so amazing? Because X throws a Hadoken at Vile’s ride armor at the 0:22 mark like he just doesn’t give a f*ck.
Of the games in the Mega Man X series, the first is definitely the best. Some clowns like to bestow that distinction upon X4, but those people are wacky tobacky and I don’t listen to ’em. I stick my fingers in my ears and go, “NUH NUH NUH NUH NUH!”
This coming Thursday, May 30, the SNES masterpiece arrives on Wii U’s Virtual Console. Unless it relates to EarthBound, there probably isn’t much reason to announce any VC game’s release date ahead of time. But this is Mega Man X, ladies, so it earns special privileges.