Keiji Inafune drew funny doodles for a GDC presentation

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Fez developer Phil Fish said some things about the Japanese games industry the other day. People gave him flack, but he wasn’t the first one to air such grievances. Former Capcom R&D head Keiji Inafune has been saying this stuff for years.

During GDC’s “The Future of Japanese Games” discussion, Inafune once again took to the stage with his various complaints. He reiterated that Japan is no longer in the “winning” position, he spoke about Mega Man and the poor sales of the original Mega Man Legends, and he even revealed that the first Resident Evil was almost cancelled.

But I don’t care about any of that. Look at the f*ckin’ self-caricature doodles he slapped on all his slides! They are hilarious! He looks like one of The Beatles in one picture, in another he’s the superhero Japan Man, and in another he’s shooting a ki blast out of his mouth. Those were the real highlights of the talk!

GDC 2012: Japanese industry has ‘lost the tenacity to succeed’ says Inafune [Gamasutra]
Keiji Inafune To Japanese Developers: Don’t Rest On Your Laurels [Siliconera]

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Tony Ponce
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