Storm’s Adventure with OnLive Part 1…

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Batman: Arkham Asylum and Arkham City. Just finishing the title, that’s all. It was a little too big for the textbox.

Well, I’m not expecting a very positive response on this one (or any of my videos for that matter) because I know how much you looooooove The Dark Knight. But you clicked on the video, you’re going to hear an opinion.

Now onto the Arkham games. Good stuff. Rockstready has created two landmark titles that any gamer can enjoy. Even those who have never touched a comic book… me.

To stem some unnecessary hatred, I’ll let you know that this video was released before Mass Effect 3. You’ll see why this is important.

OnLive? Yeah, details on that later.

Also, look closely for corrupted footage. At Storm Dain Productions, corrupted footage = a two month delay. WOOO! I LOVE MY LIFE!

About The Author
Storm Dain
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