Killer is Dead is pure Suda 51 insanity, as per usual

Giant aliens! Giant aliens! Bring it on! Yeah!

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Grasshopper Manufacture has released another trailer for Killer is Dead and, as you might expect, it’s looking as bizarre as ever. Alongside cutthroat protagonist Mondo Zappa, the video features cyborgs questioning the meaning of life over cigars and red wine, gatling guns, more gatling guns, oh, and a giant alien from outer space.

The video also showcases femme fatale Vivienne Squall, who apparently has sixteen arms. Because reasons. What else would you expect from a Suda 51 title?

 キラー イズ デッド 最新映像が公開 主人公モンド役に置鮎龍太郎など主要キャストも判明 [Famitsu]

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Kyle MacGregor Burleson
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