LEGO Batman confirmed for a 2008 release

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To be featured on all consoles, Traveller’s Tales and Warner Bros. Interactive have confirmed they will be working together to release a LEGO Batman game in 2008.

With all the LEGO video game madness lately, I am kind of getting sick of anything LEGO-related. Even the word LEGO is starting to get on my nerves with its all-capital using self-righteousness. What makes you better than all the other words, LEGO?!

I have to admit, though, the LEGO Star Wars games were pretty fun distractions so a Batman game in the same vein could be interesting. If anything, just the chance of an entertaining Batman game being produced is enough to pique my interest. The Dark Knight is awesome, but his games? Not so much.

What do you think? Would you be interested in playing a LEGO Batman game? What other subject would you eventually love to see get the LEGO treatment (my vote is for LEGO Sophie’s Choice)?

About The Author
Chad Concelmo
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