How to unlock Destructoid staff in Retro City Rampage

Look, mom!

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So, by now, you’ve obviously bought and downloaded Retro City Rampage (or are desperately waiting for it to arrive on your platform) because I made it pretty clear a couple of hours ago that this was a thing you were going to do today. But did you know that you can play the game while wearing the face of your favorite Destructoid staffer?*

Not only that, but you won’t have to go through all of that messy effort of stalking us on an individual basis, waiting for the right opportunity to break into our homes and carve the flesh from our skulls to make a mask of. We’re so thoughtful!

Just watch the above video for step-by-step instructions to unlock our gorgeous mugs in your game.

*assuming that your favorite Destructoid staffer is one of the fifteen included in the game, that is.

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Conrad Zimmerman
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