Behold this custom squid girl Sega Genesis!

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It seems that a cool custom Sega Genesis based on “Invader! Squid Girl” has spawned from the Japanese 2chan image boards.  This particular anime series is relatively popular, though I’ve unfortunately never seen it.  Apparently within the series there’s a mock version of the Genesis called the Ika Drive which some insane fan has seen fit to recreate by painting up a console.  What blows my mind is that he/she seemed to have created box art for the sucker too.  It’s pretty good competition for my current favorite paint job console.

A friend of mine insists that there is no way this thing doesn’t say “Ge~so~” whenever you turn it on.  Check out our gallery for photos of this insane piece of fan-hardware.  Be warned if you want to find more awesome stuff like this on 2chan.  The advertisements are quite NSFW, but hell if I didn’t see the most amazing figurine of Guts from Berserk.  It will be on my hard drive FOREVER.

Squid Drive: Parody System Turned Into A Real, Lovely Thing [via game set watch]

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