Dragon’s Dogma online has social networking elements

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I tried my best to get Dragon’s Dogma producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi to talk about how the game’s online systems will work. He seemed like he wanted to, but knew better. In fact, in the middle of one of his answers to my interview questions yesterday, a representative from Capcom cut him off.

We did hear that they plan to borrow cues from social networking for the upcoming Capcom title, but your guess is as good as mine about how that will work. We were told that players will be able to “borrow or rent” pawns from other players for use in battles.

“I can’t get into too many specifics right now with the network elements of the game,” Kobayashi told Destructoid. “We can say that the online features of the game are closer to a social networking type of experience. We’re trying to take some cues from that and incorporate them into this game.” 

My attempts to find out more about the game’s cooperative play were also shut down. I’m betting that they’re gearing up for a reveal of these features at Tokyo Game Show in September



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Dale North
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