Spelunky available on browsers, red nose still adorable

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What’s better than playing an awesome indie game? How about playing an awesome free indie on the browser of your choosing, whenever you want to! A port of Spelunky has just hit broswers everywhere.

Darius Kazemi took the original GameMaker PC version of Spelunky, and in just three hours time converted it to HTML 5. Now, the port isn’t without its issues, and Kazemi is the first to point them out. Currently sound has not been implemented yet, some of the graphical effects need to be redone and scores cannot be saved. But, all things considered, Kazemi has done an amazing job on the port, especially for only three hours of work.

If you’ve been meaning to hop on XBLA and download the trial for Spelunky, or just feel like trying out the Derek Yu classic while you’re at work or school, now is the perfect time.

Spelunky: Play it in your web browser now, get no work done [VG247]

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Jason Cabral
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