August is going to be one of the most jam packed months ever for gaming conventions. The crazy month starts off with the annual QuakeCon, taking place August 2 to August 5 in Dallas, Texas. id Software’s John Carmack will be kicking the show off with a keynote address, with other notable gaming figures such as Insomniac’s Ted Price, id’s Marty Stratton, and Valve’s Chet Faliszek, and Tom Leonard all hosting panels during the show.
QuakeCon goers can also get hands-on with Dishonored, and Doom 3 BFG Edition at the Bethesda booth. Dishonored was my second favorite game I got to play at E3 this year and it seriously needs to be on EVERYONE’S radar. Go play it if you’re in the Dallas area, especially since QuakeCon is free to the public!