1950’s Lawn Mower Kids takes it to the next level

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A few weeks back, we saw the trailer for Valet Parking 1989. It featured interviews and testimonials from Zordix, the one and only creators of (you guessed it) Valet Parking 1989. The combination of their inability to talk about their game in a coherent and confident manner, mixed with their genuine passion for the Valet Parking 1989, evoked an awesome mixture of charm and discomfort.

Now Zordix is back, with a trailer for their upcoming DSiWare game, 1950’s Lawn Mower Kids. It reminds me a little bit of Tommy Wiseau’s The House that Drips Blood on Alex. I feel afraid.

Please watch the video and tell me what you think.

[Thanks NintenDaan!]

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Jonathan Holmes
Destructoid Contributor - Jonathan Holmes has been a media star since the Road Rules days, and spends his time covering oddities and indies for Destructoid, with over a decade of industry experience "Where do dreams end and reality begin? Videogames, I suppose."- Gainax, FLCL Vol. 1 "The beach, the trees, even the clouds in the sky... everything is build from little tiny pieces of stuff. Just like in a Gameboy game... a nice tight little world... and all its inhabitants... made out of little building blocks... Why can't these little pixels be the building blocks for love..? For loss... for understanding"- James Kochalka, Reinventing Everything part 1 "I wonder if James Kolchalka has played Mother 3 yet?" Jonathan Holmes
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