TAKE THAT! Fan-made Phoenix Wright musical has free OST!

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So, how about that Takashi Miike-directed Phoenix Wright film? Excited? Nervous? In the meantime, why not enjoy some catchy show tunes based on everyone’s favorite courtroom drama game series?

I don’t know how we missed this previously, but a gang of fans gathered back in 2007 to begin work on Turnabout Musical, a Broadway-style play that retells the events of the first Ace Attorney game. It has even been sanctioned by Capcom, because Capcom is cool like that!

The team’s aim is to one day put on a full stage production, but in the meantime, you can download Highlights from Turnabout Musical, a collection of 15 of the play’s 30 songs, right over here. It’s a fun listen with a large cast of characters (including Matthew Taranto, creator of the awesome Nintendo-themed webcomic Brawl in the Family, as the voice of Phoenix), and it’s all FREE! What have you got to lose?

Turnabout Musical: The Phoenix Wright Musical Project

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Tony Ponce
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