Missed the first installments? Here’s part one and part two.
Like everything Suda51 does, his answers here are open to interpretation. I basically ask the guy if he’s going to break my heart and change his plan to bring No More Heroes 3 to the Wii U. His response is “Of course! I won’t break your heart…” and then goes into an explanation that I’m still trying to understand.
Is he saying that he’s planning on a new lead for the No More Heroes series? Is this lead going to be Shinobu, as was previously hinted at? Another male lead perhaps? Only time, close scrutiny, and maybe more interviews like this one will tell.
We also get the final word on Shadows of the Damned, and a look at the Shadows of the Damned and No More Heroes stickers created by Dtoid community member Linzb0t. He stuck one right on his 3DS. It was the perfect ending to what I wish was a perfect interview, but there are still so many questions I want to ask. Hopefully I’ll have the opportunity to talk to him again soon. Until then, let’s figure this out together.
What exactly is Suda trying to tell us here?
Published: Jun 13, 2011 7:20 PM UTC