24 hour contest time GO: Military Madness (XBLA/PSN)

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Military Madness: Nectaris is a 3D turn-based game from Hudson Entertainment. It’s been out for Xbox Live Arcade since September and it finally came over to the PlayStation Network last week. The above video will give you a taste of what to expect from this strategy game. 

You can go spend some of your hard earned dough on the game, or you can possibly win a code for Military Madness right here on Destructoid. Simply submit a comment below with the name of a war that has taken place (a real historical war or a fictional war from games/movies/etc) and what platform you would like Military Madness for. 

Yup, it’s that easy. You have until 12:00AM CDT tonight to leave your entry below. You can enter as many times as you would like, but you have to wait for at least three other people to submit their entry before you can comment again. We’ll be randomly selecting five winners to give the one PSN and four XBLA codes for Military Madness. Contest is open to everyone. Good luck!

[Update: Codes have been given out! Check your e-mail to see if you’re a winner!]

About The Author
Hamza Aziz
More Stories by Hamza Aziz