1942: Joint Strike and Go! Go! Break Steady on XBLA this Wednesday

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Coming to LIVE Arcade this week are 1942: Joint Strike (800 Microsoft Points), a remake of Capcom’s classic WWII shmup, and Go! Go! Break Steady (800 Microsoft Points), a combination puzzle/rhythm breakdancing game.

XBLA has seen its fair share of shoot-’em-ups, but come on! It’s 1942 for crying out loud! This remake isn’t just a visual one, as co-op is introduced online and locally, allowing you and a friend to combine powers to create “joint strike” attacks.

Featuring 20 different songs, Go! Go! Break Steady is not unlike the rhythm games from before Guitar Hero‘s time. As with 1942, this one will include multiplayer modes (online and off).

Hit the jump for a video of each game.



[Thanks for the video, power-glove]

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Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.
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