Moshe Kai Cavalin, an 11-year-old graduate from East Los Angeles College, is one smart little kid. However, he has proven that pure intelligence is no substitute for sense and taste, claiming that he doesn’t like videogames as they are a waste of time. Even incredibly smart people can be retards, I suppose.
“I feel it’s a waste of time playing video games because it’s not helping humanity in any way,” says Cavalin, who apparently can’t do anything in life unless it directly helps his fellow man. One can assume that he never wastes time going to the toilet, eating or sleeping. I think it’s a given he won’t be having sex when he’s older, either.
It’s kind of worrying that he won’t have fun, simply because he feels it’s a waste of time. I suppose we’re meant to admire him for dedicating his little life to the progress of our wretched species, but seriously dude, chill the bloody hell out. Wasting some time and having fun is important for a healthy brain.
Published: Jun 5, 2009 04:05 pm